The Crow's Nest

An old Roy Roger’s movie is playing on TCM and it seems that is just what we needed to watch tonight. We all need a little “fluff” in our everyday existence. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all the people of Northwood and the surrounding area after the devastating tornado that ripped through their town Sunday night. The news tonight categorized the tornado as an F4. You can see by the pictures I put on the website all the destruction that took place in there. The “Tornado Siren” also went off here in Edinburg. TJ and Katie Hall were out at Katie’s dad’s cabin west of town. Katie took pictures of a tornado touching down west of Tiber Coulee. Those are also posted on the website. Edinburg experienced a bit of hail. Some hail that came down were huge specimens. The whole evening was very unusual. Before going to bed Sunday night we watched a spectacular light show of constant lightening to the south.

Grain harvest seems to be winding down in the area. The weather has cooperated for the most part. It is fun to see all the activity down by the elevator. The birds are having a feast eating the grain that has fallen to the ground from truck boxes. My understanding is this has been a good year for the farmers. Last week the NBC Today Show featured wheat fields of North Dakota as one of America’s 10 most beautiful places to see. I believe the wheat field was in the southern part of the state. Anyway, I heartily agreed with the segment as I watched the reporter visit with the farmer as they stood in field of waving grain. The sight was beautiful. It made me proud to be from North Dakota.

It is great going downtown around 11:30 AM (especially Monday, Wednesday and Friday) to see Main Street full of vehicles. Rosie has been getting a pretty good response to her noon meals. She hit the jackpot the day she served liver and onions. That was a hit!!! The Senior Meals at the Community Center is also drawing a big crowd. Today they served 54 meals. Not bad for our little town. I have heard wonderful reviews of the meals Larry Schuster and Mary Seim prepare.

We went to our great nephew Jade’s wedding in Carrington this past weekend. His new wife’s dad is general manager of Dakota Growers Pasta so you can imagine the pasta feast we had! A chef from Chicago fixed 4 pasta entrees plus a wonderful salad and a dessert of tiramisu for 400 guests. The meal was divine and the evening picture perfect with wonderful weather.

While in Carrington we also worshipped Sunday morning at Pastor Bruce’s church. It was so much fun to see the Vold’s. Bryan is a junior at Concordia and Matthew is starting his freshman year. Kelly said she is busy playing volleyball. I understand Matthew is city champion at the local golf course.

If anybody drives by and notices something strange in my yard it is because there is something strange there. I am now a proud owner of a genuine palm tree born and raised in California. Our nephew just visited from Tacoma where he is a landscape architect. He owns a nursery and landscapes with palm trees in the Seattle-Tacoma area. He brought me one and of course gave me the “skinny” on how to take care of it. He said they could survive in temperatures to 10 degrees. I will take it in for the winter months. I wanted to don a grass skirt and play my ukulele, but Chuck suggested I just think about it rather than doing it.

School is back in session. It is hard to believe little Grace Kertz (Bob and Noella’s daughter) is already in kindergarten. Time sure goes by fast.

The orioles and hummingbirds are in a feeding frenzy as they get ready to migrate south. It is hard to keep up with the grape jelly and syrup for them. It is fascinating to watch as they vie for space at the feeders.

Have a great day and will talk later.


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August 29, 2007

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More Things to Think About

A clean conscience is a soft pillow.

To belittle is to be little.

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.

The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.

Two can live as cheaply as one--if one doesn't eat!